Android port

We could no longer ignore the pressure of the Android market. Jewel Galaxy and Dotello were built with the Cocos2d game engine, that was specific to the iOS platform. How could we port it to Android? In theory, we could recreate the game from scratch in some C++ engine. But our hands were full of work – we were still running a two-person studio after all. We just didn’t have time for that.

Around that time the Cocos2d was acquired by Apportable. This company provided a relatively easy way for a transition to Android by their SDK which essentially was a custom Objective-C compiler for Android. It seemed like a magical shortcut and many games were ported to Android this way (see Wooga’s Jelly Splash). However, like they say, all that glitters is not gold. Working with Apportable still took several months.

We managed to port Dotello and Jewel Galaxy, just in time before Apportable went bankrupt. What a timing… After that, we were literally unable to make any updates on Android. That is why Jewel Galaxy is stuck on a Christmas theme 🙂 Android games started to generate profit a few months after the Apportable went down – ironic.

Jewel Galaxy on Android stuck on a Christmas theme.